No current announcements
On this page you will find what features are currently planned, which features are currently in development and a change log of the website. If you have an idea for the website, please feel free to use the 'Request A Feature' section on this page.
Aesthetic Features: These features primarily affect the look of the website
Functionality Features: These features primarily affect the behaviour of the website
Aestheic & Funcitonality Features: These features are ones that are both primarily aesthetic and functionality
Request A Feature
Name of Feature:
Type of Feature:
Description (please be as detailed as possible):
Credit Name (optional):
Planned Features
Planned Aesthetic Features:
Homepage Redesign
Redesign the look of the homepage; Make it more Harry Potter related and make it more captivating.
Date Accepted:
Tuesday 19th May 2020
Soulless Creature
House Based Theme
Make it so that the colours of the site can be changed in accordance to the different houses. For example, a different colour scheme for Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Griffindor.
Date Accepted:
Tuesday 16th January 2018 (16-01-18)
Soulless Creature
Results Page Redesign
Redesign the look of the results page in a bid to make it more interesting and be able to provide more insights of the result.
Date Accepted:
Wednesday 29th July 2020 (29-07-20)
Soulless Creature
Planned Functionality Features:
Progressive Loadind of Result Pages
Make it so that the result pages progressively load when clicked through instead of them all being loaded in at the start. This should help increase performance on weaker devices and with low-internet connection.
Date Accepted:
Monday 19th Ocotber 2020 (19-10-20)
Soulless Creature
Planned Aesthetic & Functionality Features:
Features In Development
Aesthetic Features In Development:
Functionality Features In Development:
Quote Ratings
Be able to rate the quote or quotes based on how relevant it is or how good of a quote it is.
Halted - Database Storage Based needs to be completed first
Date Started:
Feburary 2020
Soulless Creature
Database Storage Based
Change the storage of quotes from a text file based system to a database based system.
Progress: Nearing Completion
Date Started:
Sunday 5th April 2020
Soulless Creature
Search Filters
These filters allow to filter results generated from the quote finder based on things like characters and places.
Halted - Database Storage Based needs to be completed first
Date Started:
Thursday 13th Feburary 2020
Soulless Creature
Request A Feature
Request a feature that you would like to have on this website.
Progress: Finalizing Phase
Date Started:
Sunday 5th April 2020
Soulless Creature
Aesthetic & Functionality Features In Development:
Mobile Website
Make this website mobile friendly and more accessible for small screens.
Progress: Only Navigation Completed
Date Started:
Feburary 2019
Soulless Creature